Ahh exams. What a fun time. Tense and anxious students clutch their revision books carefully, trying not to lose their post-it notes. Sleep becomes a luxury. Food and coffee a necessity. Highlighters of many colours are lined up on the desk. I have about a month until my first two exams. My second exam is a few weeks after. Am I nervous? Heck no. There is absolutely no point in being nervous if you prepare yourself. I am prepared this year. Three exams. Two on the same day. I find this a little unfortunate as I usually lose brain power after one exam and need to recharge. Media is the exam I'm not looking forward to. I don't particularly know the topics as well as I should and I only have a few sheets to revise from. Oh well.
We have the option to go to lessons in study leave. I am going to 3 lessons and that is it. I do feel a bit rude if I don't show my face but I don't actually have to be there. I am a soft touch.
I don't have much to say today. I'm tired and craving a bath.
Time is FLYING by..
I'm getting seriously slack with this blog. The fun of writing has been taken away from me due to the MOUNTAINS of coursework I've had. I've done around two thirds of it now so I'm nearly done and back in action. It's such a relief when you've finished coursework. Exams are much less stressful in my opinion. It's only a few hours of writing. Coursework is on going. Oh well. Onward I go. Just have to finish my Lit coursework and I'm good to go. Anyway, less rambling about coursework, more about me.
I haven't really done anything exciting recently. You'll be happy to know my Glandular Fever has pretty much gone. I get the odd day when I feel like absolute SHIT and then I'm fine. Nothing like I was before! Starting to feel my usual bouncy self again. What a relief..
Had quite an odd week at school. The tensions are rising.. everyone is stressed. The only joy I get these days is reading trashy chick-lit books and having a hot bubble bath every evening. I literally wait all day to go home, eat and get into my lovely cosy bed. I can't do this until my sentence at Bideford College is over. Just under 2 months to go. That really doesn't feel that far away seeing as New Year's Eve was over 2 months ago. The thing I'm looking forward to is my EPIC long summer. We break up in May (no one really knows the date but I've heard anything from the 7th May - 18th May), exams in June and then July August AND September to relax and get my head back together again. Oh yes. Exams. I only have three this summer. Although DILEMMA.. two of them are on the same day! Life will suck on the 16th of June. Then it will all be better. Oh and I'm 18 in June. HOW EXCITING. I'll be able to buy alcohol and cigarettes legally. Not that I even want to.
I want to start a vlog. I really do. I'm not sure it's a good idea while I'm still at school. I'll probably get in trouble for complaining about it. So the vlog WILL begin in May to get me through the mounds of revision and past papers I'll be crawling through. A Levels have stolen my soul temporarily. They make me so stressed that my eye twitches constantly and I've lost about a stone in weight since January.
Anyway, I will go and have my annual bath and book reading sesh. Thank god it's Saturday..
Valentines Weekend. Due to the silly distance between the Rhondda Valleys and quaint North Devon countryside.. we decided to postpone Valentines day for about a week. Night before we go to stay in Brighton.. boom. Fever. Hello Fever. Nice to meet you again you BASTARD. But all is not ruined. Mr Terrell chivalrously scurried down to the sticks and visited his poorly but chirpy girlfriend. The fella does not understand the concept of slobbing out (odd.. he is a student after all) so a day of doing sweet bugger all was in order. Deciding not to surface from our beds until 1pm was the most relaxing thing ever. I cooked (YES I KNOW WOW >.<) a lovely fry up of Sausages, free range eggs, bacon, fried bread and toast. I have yet to improve my skills but I quite enjoyed it. Vital survival for the ridiculously hungry at around midday. An afternoon of Glacier fruits and Friends DVDs was done. The double duvet decided to come out. Perfect slobbing out ammunition. The glorious task of picking up my drunk parents from the washed out shithole of Bideford was done at midnight. At this point, I just wanted to sleep despite the ridiculously late lie in. Well you know what they say. Lie ins make you more tired. My mother says that but it makes sense right?
So here we are folks. Half term. Are you excited? I'm really not! A week of essays and coursework awaits but first I must have at least 1 or 2 late nights of playing Sims 3 and surfing Youtube for hours on end. Oh. I just remembered. Stepdad shouted up the stairs today. "Chloe, it's Wooda Surgery on the phone" (my local GP's office). There is me thinking "Shit. Something serious has come up on the blood test. Oh nooo" but a very polite girl told me my Glandular Fever blood test has come back positive and I don't have Diabetes. So apparently I do have it. I wondered why my eyeballs still felt like weights. At least all is well, literally. I just have a silly Monocldklkdalskdlsijseous (you might want to google "Mono" or "Glandular Fever") virus that apparently knocks you out for months. 2 months now and I'm still having poorly days. Hey ho. It could be worse. It really could. I feel selfish now.
Anyway, it's REALLY late and I should get to bed. Less worrying to do now I've got the blood test results back. More dreaming of pretty things like Matthew's hair in the morning.
Cat poo, Glandular fever and University blues.
So today has been shit. Woke up to the sound of "Mowww Miaowwwww Moww moww" *SPLAT*. Being half asleep, I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep. I grabbed my towel and stepped out of my room, swiftly dodging the big pile of CAT POOP on my lovely new clean ironed clothes. Ape shit is not the word for my annoyance. Thanks Spike. There is a lovely big cat litter tray for your poops and you do it on my clothes. Thanks.
So the mystery illness has been revealed.. I have Glandular Fever! My doctor gave me a check up and diagnosed that rubbish. >.<>
Whiny blog is whiny. I like to whine. I shall stop whining and get a bath running. Goodbye my faithful blog readers.. if anyone actually reads it.
It's been a while blog.. I'm sorry.
Written @ 13:38
As you can tell, this has been a very busy and eventful month. So the dreaded University interviews were looming and Chloe was glooming. January blues hit me pretty bad I'm not going to lie. The prospect of 5 months left at 6th form was almost criminal. But I stuck my head up and dealt with it. Same old shit hole really >.<
Anyway, University. I took a car trip to Southampton Solent and was pleasantly surprised at how organised they were! I managed to get myself lost in Southampton! Oh that was a drama and a half. My stepdad doesn't really do maps.. he sort of follows his nose. We were very lost in a random street in a strange city.. first thing I do is whip out the Sat Nav. So Mum and I are faffing about and arguing as I'm VERY late for my interview. Thankfully we made it and a lecturer was there to quickly get me into the welcome lecture. That was very disturbing.. walking into a lecture theatre in silence to a mound of 18 year old teenagers. It was quite an enjoyable day in the end! It was really just a case of sticking to a group of girls of the same height on the same course for the day and bullshitting my way through the interview and the entrance exam article.
Glamorgan, however, was terrifying. Alot more formal. Exam in silence.. formal 15 minute interview. Beauuutiful place though. Cardiff is an amazing city. Southampton would be fantastic but Cardiff definitely tops the list location wise. The Uni building was rather pleasant to the eye.
I've had a pretty hardcore case of flu in the last week which has knocked me for six. Swollen glands, fever, headache, nausea, stomach ache, no hearing, blocked sinuses. Couldn't get out of bed for days and I haven't eaten a proper meal for a week. Lush. This means I haven't seen my boyfriend for about 2 weeks which has been horrrrrrrrrible. I'm craving lovely warm cwtches. Bleuuurgh. I think I'm getting over this shit finally though. Must go and see Dave Stevens soon as we need a mega long catch up. Haven't seen the fella for a year. In fact there are alot of people I haven't seen and would like to but it's just impossible at the moment. :(
This is a bit brief but I'm just off to chill now so enjoy. :)
Christmas was actually alright.
Written @ 06:07
Ignore my Grinch-like rage blogs from before; Chloe actually had fun this Christmas!
Christmas Eve started as a blur. Ridiculously cold. Tired. In the evening we battled the snow and ice to my Gran's house for a family get together where I got a little bit tipsy but didn't even realise until I was actually walking home. Collapsed into bed shivering with cold and giggling with excitement. Next morning woke up around 8:30am and had to get everyone up. A huuuge contrast to last year when mum was outside my door at 10am with a party whistle saying GEEEET UP IT'S CHRISTMAS DAYY.
I had my "main" present (a HP G62 ;)) about October/November time so I was expecting next to nothing on Christmas Day but my lovely mummy bought me lots of girly bits such as Aussie Conditioner, Perfume and Chocolate. Rest of my family got me Make-up brushes, MAC makeup, scenty things etc etc. Went out for a meal Christmas Day which wasn't bad but I'm not going to lie.. I missed my mothers Christmas Dinner. Alot. Her gravy and turkey tastes better.
Spent the last couple days doing sod all and loving it. It's a rare occasion when I can slob out for a few days and do teenage things like gaming, sleeping and eating. I've actually done a fair amount of cwk in between but not nearly enough as I'd of liked to. Ah well.
Anyway, time to pack my bags as I'm visiting Wales tomorrow! I miss that place. NYE in Wales is probably going to be verrrrrrry different to Bideford. Which is absolutely SHIT on NYE. Ugh. XD
Assassin's Creed
Written @ 07:01
Well I have discovered this epic game today after rummaging through my brother's PS3 collection and I'm MIGHTY impressed I must say. Although it's ruined a possible day of revision.. it's also made me very happy.
So it's Christmas soon and I'm feeling less like the Grinch and more like Rudolph. The food and alcohol is stocked, plenty of warm blankets on my bed and I'm good to go. Not really appreciating the FREAKING COLD weather I might add. I've got my legs rested on the heater and I'm still freeeezing. Come on central heating.. do your thang. Got all presents wrapped but they'll have to wait until the 30th when I venture up to Wales. I have a feeling me and Becky will end up sat by the doors but it's all good, we're kind of used to it.
My Grandad has given me a book about correct English grammar randomly which is actually quite helpful/interesting but is putting me off reading 1984 which I will start tonight. I really hate reading when it's not for fun and when I don't have a time limit.
I really ought to stop updating this blog with pointless ramble but I will appreciate it when I'm older and want to live my youth again. Not that it's very exciting.
So many University interviews in January which are bothersome and scary. I even have to take an entrance exam for 2 of them. *gulp* I assume it entails something to do with feature writing. A voice test is also being done in Gloucester Uni so i'm fookydooked. Oh well. As long as I get an offer from Solent I'm a happy bunny.
I keep hearing weird things in the attic.. I hope for goodness sake it's not a bat or something scary. It almost sounds like a child. I really don't fancy meeting my evil fish-head eating twin up there so I'll just assume it's a bird or something.
As I'm writing this I received a big bunch of flowers and a moonpig card from my mister. I'm so blooooody lucky and happy it's untrue. :') xx
Anyway, enough of my rambling. I think I'll do a Christmas blog in a few days if much has happened (which it most likely won't). Heh. Merry Christmas my lovelies. xxxx